Monday, December 28, 2015

Happening Here in the New Year

Starting January 1st 2016, Like It's 1999: Diary of a Teenager in Love with a Teacher will be posted RIGHT HERE for your reading pleasure.

Because Like It's 1999 is my actual diary from when I was 19, it's written in short journal entries (and dreams, because my diary doubled as a dream journal) so it'll be posted that way. Each and every day, you'll be able to come back and read a new entry. There are enough to take us to mid-March, so this'll be quite a journey.

Discover why my nickname in high school was Flakie. I always thought it was because I ate these mofos every day:

Passion Flakie: the breakfast of champions

...but after reading my teenaged journal, I'm not so sure.

Come back January 1st!
Love you!