Monday, February 22, 2016


Dream: Shattered

-I’m at school, in the space outside the front office
-Christie is there and she’s wearing a white dress. When she sees me, she walks over to me like her body is possessed
-when she gets to where I’m standing, she passes out and collapses into my arms. I figure I can support her weight until I’m actually holding her, and then I struggle
-her body is revived, but consumed by rage. She grabs me by the neck, although I can’t feel her hands there. She’s pushing me backward through the hall, screaming, “Why did you come with me? It was for him, wasn’t it?”
-“No Christie! I Love you!” I yell, noticing at this point that other students are jumping on her back, trying to keep me out of harm’s way as much as possible
-Christie’s face is so contorted that I’m convinced she’s saying “I’m gonna kill you!” even though I don’t hear any words
-we make it all the way to the school library, which is full of greenery and natural light, before another friend tackles me and we fight. I yell something, then apologise to the students who are trying to read while we battle it out
-I check the Secret Garden CD in my backpack, and it’s broken into small pieces

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